Tell Ford: Fix our COVID-19 testing system

745 actions
goal: 1,000
Ontario's COVID-19 testing system is in chaos. From Ford ignoring expert advice to insufficient testing access for low-income Ontarians — there are many reasons why our testing system isn't working properly. 1 2  

Now medical experts and public health experts are calling on Ford’s government to shore up Ontario's COVID-19 testing capacity and reduce the testing backlog. 3 4

A huge petition, signed by thousands of us, could be the tipping point that convinces Premier Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott to get to work on fixing our broken testing system. But we're in the second wave of this devastating pandemic and we have no time to lose. Add your name now.

Dear Premier Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott:

Take urgent action to fix the problems in the COVID-19 testing system by increasing funding and testing capacity — so everyone who needs a COVID-19 test can access one.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

Will you spread the word?

We need to make this massive to catch Ford's attention.

Will you share the petition on social media?

Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help ramp up our campaign to force Ford to fix Ontario's COVID testing system?