Tell Trudeau and Joly: deliver a two-way Arms Embargo now!

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goal: 3,000
Yesterday, Foreign Minister Joly announced the suspension of 30 military export licenses for arms to Israel that had previously been approved — and that the government will investigate a transfer of 50,000 mortar explosives from a Canadian company to Israel via the US.

This is a sign that our pressure is working, but we can’t let up yet. With the Liberals dropping in the polls, internal strife is high in the party now — emboldening MPs and ramping up the pressure on the government. If Minister Joly and Prime Minister Trudeau hear from thousands of their potential voters demanding a true two-way arms embargo, it could be the push they need to finally deliver.

Will you send an email to Prime Minister Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly calling for a two-way arms embargo now?

Prime Minister Trudeau & Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly:

Close all loopholes. Deliver a two-way arms embargo now.

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Prime Minister Trudeau & Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly

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