Make sure Trudeau and the Justice Minister keep their promise to ban conversion therapy

2,333 actions
goal: 4,000
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just officially instructed mandate the Minister of Justice, David Lametti, to legally ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ children in Canada.

It’s a positive step in the right direction - but we need to make sure the government actually sees this through.

Enter your details to send a message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Lametti, thanking them for commiting to a national ban on conversion therapy and letting them know you’ll be watching to make sure they deliver on the promise.

Send your message to the Minister

You can use the message below, or customize it to maximize your impact.

Send to
Hon. David Lametti, Minister of Justice
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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