Chip in to launch a hard-hitting ad campaign to convince Liberal MPs to vote for universal pharmacare
On Friday a Liberal MP tweeted “wgaf” (who gives a f**k) — in response to a bill that could make universal pharmacare a reality and ensure no one has to choose between life-saving medications and putting food on the table. 1 2
It’s a shocking statement from an elected official. But what’s even more shocking is that the Liberals doubled-down on their promise of universal pharmacare only two months ago. 3 So why aren’t Liberal MPs supporting the bill that would do the very thing they promised?
We have a plan to target Liberal MPs who are most likely to block this bill and flood social media feeds in their strategic ridings with ads calling on MPs to support universal pharmacare. Not only will MPs and their staffers see these ads, their constituents will too —and when they click on the ad, they’ll be redirected to a calling tool to flood their MP’s phonelines.
With the phone ringing off the hook and constant reminders every time they see our ad — Liberal MPs could really feel the heat. But to pull off this plan and reach enough people for our ads to have impact — we need to raise $8,239 by Wednesday, November 25th at midnight. Chip in now.
It’s a shocking statement from an elected official. But what’s even more shocking is that the Liberals doubled-down on their promise of universal pharmacare only two months ago. 3 So why aren’t Liberal MPs supporting the bill that would do the very thing they promised?
We have a plan to target Liberal MPs who are most likely to block this bill and flood social media feeds in their strategic ridings with ads calling on MPs to support universal pharmacare. Not only will MPs and their staffers see these ads, their constituents will too —and when they click on the ad, they’ll be redirected to a calling tool to flood their MP’s phonelines.
With the phone ringing off the hook and constant reminders every time they see our ad — Liberal MPs could really feel the heat. But to pull off this plan and reach enough people for our ads to have impact — we need to raise $8,239 by Wednesday, November 25th at midnight. Chip in now.
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