Will you chip in to ramp up our Climate Majority campaign?
We have huge opportunity to put a Green New Deal at the top of the political agenda — but we’re getting drowned out by right-wing voices that are amplifying divisive sentiments to advance their big oil agenda.
If we want real progress on climate and inequality, we need to ramp up our political pressure. We've got a plan, but it can only happen if we can raise enough to pay for it. Will you chip in to help us:
Flood all MPs with calls, emails and tweets so they hear directly from their constituents that climate is a top priority.
Launch a public campaign calling for investments in Alberta and Saskatchewan to ensure the transition to renewable energy leaves no one behind.
Bombard Liberal party meetings with ads so when they meet to discuss their priorities and decide which parties to work with, climate is front of mind.
Launch a massive organizing push to put pressure on target MPs across the country, where a bit of extra pressure will turn them into climate advocates.
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