Make sure Trudeau and the Fisheries Minister keep their promise to end open-net fish farming

775 actions
goal: 1,000
Prime Minister Trudeau has given the Fisheries Minister a clear mandate and timeline to phase out open-net fish farming in British Columbia. Indigenous allies and conservation groups have welcomed this news as a long-awaited positive step forward to restoring wild salmon and preserving them for generations to come. [1]

It’s an encouraging commitment - and a powerful reminder that when we raise our voices together, we can get results. But it’s not over yet, and we’re going to need to hold this government accountable to make sure they deliver on this promise.

Enter your details to send Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan a message thanking them for their commitment to ending open-net salmon farming, and letting them know you’ll be watching to make sure they deliver on the promise.

Send your message to the Minister

You can use the message below, or customize it to maximize your impact.

Send to
Hon. Bernadette Jordan, Fisheries Minister
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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