Chip in to help get Green New Deal policies in the throne speech!

Right now, Trudeau and his team are finalizing his government’s agenda. Next Wednesday, Trudeau will stand in front of the entire country to unveil it, in what’s known as the “speech from the throne”.

Will this government’s priorities include ambitious Green New Deal policies that can start addressing the climate emergency at the scale required? Or will it be a patchwork solution -- that offers some progress on climate but keeps us locked into a dying fossil fuel industry?

We’ve been building up to this moment: sending emails, writing letters, phoning MPs to influence the government’s priorities and make sure Green New Deal policies are included in the throne speech.

Trudeau and his MPs need to be reminded that Canadians voted for bold action on climate and expect them to deliver -- which is why we’re ramping up with a big final push in this last moment of influence.

If we raise $5,000 by 5pm on Wednesday we’ll bombard Parliament with hard-hitting digital climate ads that every MP and Minister will see. If we raise $10,000 we’ll blow up those ads into a massive bus shelter ad right outside Trudeau’s office. And if we raise $15,000, we’ll post an ad in the Hill Times -- the Ottawa news outlet that’s read by every member of parliament.

Will you chip in what you can for an ad blitz to get ambitious climate action -- in line with a Green New Deal -- on the agenda in time for the throne speech next week?

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