Sign the open letter in support of healthcare workers

32,724 actions
goal: 43,000
A loud minority protested in front of hospitals — putting our health care workers who have sacrificed so much during the pandemic at risk, and endangering patients.

Most of us can agree: protestors should not block access to health care, or put hospital workers or patients at risk. More than ever, we need to show our health care workers how much we value and appreciate them.

A massive open letter, signed by tens of thousands of us, could drown out the protesters who disrupted our hospitals and send a clear message to healthcare workers: the public supports you.

Add your voice!

Here's the open letter:

Dear healthcare workers,

During the COVID-19 pandemic, you have taken care of us, our loved ones and our communities through these hard and isolating times. The majority of people in Canada support you and value the immense sacrifices you’ve made during the pandemic. We are grateful for you and the work you do.

Thank you.

Add your name to the open letter now

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Thanks for signing the open letter in support of our healthcare workers!

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help fund our campaign supporting healthcare workers?