Tell your MP: No more delays on the Emissions Cap

720 actions
goal: 1,000
After a smoky summer of climate devastation, implementing a bold Emissions Cap on oil and gas should be a top priority for MPs.1

Will you take a few minutes to write your own message to your MP, asking them to implement a bold Emissions cap without delay?

The personal stories and motivations of constituents are some of the most powerful tools we have to influence MPs. Instead of drafting a template email, we’ve left it blank for you to share with your MP your own reasons for supporting a bold Emissions Cap. Make sure to mention that:
  • You live in their riding
  • Why you’re concerned about the climate crisis and why this policy matters to you
  • A bold Emissions Cap must ensure that the oil and gas sector’s emissions drop 60% below 2005 levels by 2030
  • The regulations must be released by October 2023 — no more delays!

It doesn't have to be long and don't worry about it being too polished. Just be yourself – that's the most important way to have impact!

Write a message to your MP

Send to
your local representative

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

Thank you for taking action!

Our voices are stronger when we work together.

Help us spread the word!

While we don’t have the deep pockets of Big Oil, we do have a community of thousands of people fighting for a better future. Will you chip in now to help us make sure there are no more delays on the Emissions Cap?