Write to your MP for a bold Emissions Cap - 1

In November 2021, Prime Minister Trudeau proudly announced his government would cap the oil sector’s polluting emissions.1

But two years later, the emissions cap for oil & gas is nowhere to be seen. Heavy lobbying by Canada’s biggest oil sands companies has delayed the policy, despite polls showing the majority of Canadians support a fair and strong cap on emissions.2,3

And now, inside sources are saying Ministers could bow to oil lobby pressure to water down the target – even as Canadians bear the brunt of worsening climate impacts.4

Canada's own climate watchdog just named the delayed emissions cap as a key reason that Canada's at risk of missing our climate targets. With the federal government in the hot seat, we need to ensure as many MPs hear from constituents now — demanding nothing short of a fair and strong emissions cap that’s more ambitious than the national goal. It could help them decide to stand up for what’s right and encourage others to follow suit.

Send a message to your MP now and drive home the message that the desires of a few loud, profit-hungry oil CEOs shouldn’t trump the interests of Canadians.

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