Torture in Chechnya: Emergency visas now!

5,828 actions
goal: 8,000

URGENT: Authorities in Chechnya are rounding up, detaining, and torturing hundreds of men assumed to be gay or bisexual in what rights groups are calling “concentration camps”.

This is a human rights emergency of that requires an urgent, escalated response. Canada already prioritizes members of the LGBTQ community facing persecution for resettlement - but isn’t doing enough for these men who are under extreme risk. A massive petition to Foreign Affairs and Immigration Ministers could pressure Canada to extend emergency visas to these victims and get them out of the region as soon as possible.

Three people have reportedly died, and hundreds of others are facing atrocities in these unlawful prison camps could meet the same fate.[3] We have to act fast. One signature might not make a difference, but thousands will. Sign the petition now.

Rights groups and opposition urge Liberals to help those fleeing anti-LGBT violence in Chechnya,
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