Tell NDP MPs: Emissions Cap must be a priority

892 actions
goal: 1,000
NDP leadership are making behind-closed-doors deals to renegotiate their deal to prop up the Liberal minority government right now.1

This is a rare political opportunity to push the NDP to demand climate action by securing a bold Emissions Cap. It could lock in huge emissions reductions, and halt Big Oil’s expansion plans.

If the NDP receives a flood of emails calling on them to make a bold Emissions Cap a key priority in their negotiations, it could be enough to include in this deal. Can you email your MP now?

Want to have exponentially more impact? We've provided an email template, but customized emails are considered FAR more important to politicians. Put the email in your own words, just make sure to leave in a request for a 60% reduction in emissions below 2005 levels by 2030.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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