BC Climate Leadership Plan
Last year, the government called on a group of academics, scientists, economists, business people and First Nations to draft recommendations for BC’s climate plan. They came up with 32 recommendations that are a great first step in making BC a climate leader again. 1
Instead of implementing these recommendations, Premier Christy Clark just appointed a former director of the Fraser Institute to create the province’s new climate plan. 2 Yes, you read that right. A former director of a climate-denying, Koch-funded think tank is in charge of drafting BC’s climate plan. This man, Fazil Mihlar, has even gone as far as suggesting school children should watch climate-denying documentaries in schools. 3
Premier Clark thinks she can get away with this appointment because British Columbians don’t care, but she couldn’t been more wrong. British Columbians have been at the forefront of the climate movement for years and have pushed the government on this in the past. Now, we can do it again.
The government has opened up a public comment period for the climate plan. This is our chance to make our voices heard by Premier Clark, but the comment period ends on Friday. 4 We need to speak out today!
Send a message to her calling on her to remove Fazil Mihlar from office and start taking climate change seriously.
- How B.C. premier Christy Clark can avoid “climate laggard” status http://pembina.org/blog/how-b-c-premier-christy-clark-can-avoid-climate-laggard-status
- B.C.’s climate leadership in disarray under Premier Christy Clark http://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/02/29/analysis/bcs-climate-leadership-disarray-under-premier-christy-clark
- Christy Clark taps ex-Fraser Institute director to create BC’s climate change plan http://www.pressprogress.ca/christy_clark_taps_ex_fraser_institute_director_to_create_bc_climate_change_plan
- BC Climate Leadership http://engage.gov.bc.ca/climateleadership/