Tell Trudeau and Freeland: Make Big Oil pay their fair share

15,112 actions
goal: 20,000
Runaway gas prices are hurting Canadians' wallets. It's all happening because Big Oil's insatiable greed is driving up costs leaving us to foot the bill.1,2

It doesn't have to be this way — it shouldn't be this way. The Conservative government in the UK just announced an excess profits tax on the runaway profits of Big Oil to help address inflation.3

The UK government only made this move after facing tremendous public backlash for siding with Big Oil over the needs of ordinary people.4 To make it happen in Canada, tens of thousands of us need to rise up to demand the government take action on the runaway profits of oil and gas companies and implement an excess profits tax.

If we can ramp up the pressure right now, we can show them that we’re tired of Big Oil holding our environment and our wallets hostage.

If you think it’s time for Big Oil to pay their fair share, add your name to the petition now.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Freeland, and Minister Wilkinson

Implement an excess profits tax on Big Oil's runaway profits.

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