Intervene to protect the Greenbelt and its at-risk species

14,842 actions
goal: 20,000
Ford’s plans to strip the Greenbelt’s environmental protections so his developer friends can profit are already being realized.1,2 But the destruction that developing the Greenbelt will cause isn’t just subject to the whims of the provincial government — it goes against federal protections for at-risk species.3

The Greenbelt is one of the most biodiverse areas in Ontario. There are 29 endangered and threatened species living on the 7,400-acre-swath removed from the Greenbelt by Ford’s Bill 23.4

The federal government can issue emergency orders to block construction that poses an immediate threat to an at-risk species on non-federal land — and we're calling on them do just that.

The Liberal government needs the support of Ontarians to ensure their reelection — and a massive petition could embolden them to stand up to Doug Ford and intervene to protect the environment. Will you sign the petition calling on Trudeau and Guilbeault to block development on the Greenbelt?

Prime Minister Trudeau and Environment Minister Guilbeault

You must intervene to protect Ontario’s Greenbelt and the at-risk species who live there. We are calling on you to issue emergency orders blocking the development of the 7,400 acres of land recently removed from the Greenbelt under Bill 23.

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