Call your MP demanding an end to tax havens in #Budget2018
Budget 2018: Will the Liberal government prioritize everyday Canadians by cracking down on ruthless corporate tax dodging — or keep letting billionaires rob our schools and hospitals of the funding they need?
If we’re going to drown out the chorus of corporate lobbyists pushing to keep their destructive tax dodging schemes intact, we need to contact decision-makers in as many ways as possible to get our message across — and MPs hearing from a flood of local constituents sends a powerful message they cannot ignore.
Will you call your Liberal MP now to make sure cracking down on tax havens is in the plan for budget 2018?
Use this simple tool that will connect you directly to your Liberal MP’s office. Your call will only take a minute but it will make a huge difference. It's easy:
Read the key messages below.
Enter your information to the right, click “call my MP” and your MPs name and riding should pop up. If it’s correct, hit “call my MP” again and we’ll connect you directly your MPs office. You might not get someone on the phone, but feel free to leave a voicemail. Make sure to include your name and where you live in the message.
Here’s some information you can include, but it's always best to speak from the heart:
I'm a constituent of [MP’s name] riding, and I’m calling to make sure the Liberal government announces plans to make tax havens illegal in the upcoming budget
Corporations use tax havens to dodge $15 billion in taxes every year, and when they pay less, everyday Canadians like me pay more. It’s unfair.
This revenue is sorely needed for healthcare, childcare, and pensions.
A recent poll shows that 87% of Canadians want to make tax havens illegal. I’m calling on my MP to bring my message - and that of 87% of the population - to Ottawa before the budget announcement on Tuesday.
The Liberals ran on a campaign of tax fairness. While they’ve taken some action, I want them to start cracking down on the worst offenders of tax dodging: corporations.
Call your MP
Enter your info below and click "Call your MP!". Your phone will ring and you will be automatically connected to your MP.
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