Despite having the largest outbreak of the coronavirus in North America,
Cargill meat processing plant in Alberta re-opened its doors last week.[1]
The virus spread rapidly through the plant because workers are packed in
“elbow to elbow”, with barely any breathing room and the results are fatal.[2]
These are real lives lost. Like Armando Sallgue from the Philippines who was visiting his son, a worker at the plant, when he caught the virus. Or Hiep Bui, who was working to support her family back home.
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has to decide whether or not to shut the plant down until adequate protections are in place for employees —
and the decision could come as early as Thursday.[4]
They already got it wrong once before when they let the plant reopen even though it was unsafe for workers — which means they could get it wrong again. A massive public outcry calling on them to do the right thing could stop them from repeating their mistake and endangering thousands of workers.
But with only a few days until the decision, we have to act fast. Add your name now.