Call Minister Wilkinson and demand a world-class climate law

208 actions
goal: 500
A flood of phone calls to Minister Wilkinson now could convince him to speak up for key amendments to Bill C-12.

Instructions on how to call:
It’ll only take a minute, but makes a big difference. It’s super easy.
  1. Read the talking points below.
  2. Enter your information to the right, including your phone number
  3. We’ll call you back, connecting you directly to Minister Wilkinson's office
  4. Leave a message on the answering machine if you reach voicemail. If you speak to office staff, just ask them to pass on your message to Minister Wilkinson. Make sure to tell them your name and that you live in their riding. 
Talking points to include in your message:
  • I am calling to urge you to table amendments to Bill C-12 that will strengthen the bill and ensure it is a world class climate law.
  • The three key amendments I’m asking for are:
    • Set the first emissions target for 2025 now and ban fossil fuel executives from the advisory panel.
    • Bill C-12 should be aligned with UNDRIP and set targets for job creation to ensure a just transition for all workers.
    • Set clear, unconditional obligations on the Minister of Environment to actually meet targets.
Note: You may get the voicemail of one of Minister Wilkinson's staffers. That's great - leave a message using our talking points! 

Call Minister Wilkinson now

Ask Minister Wilkinson to go back to the drawing board for Bill C-12 with our talking points listed to the left.

Just fill in your details below to make a call. Don’t forget to include your phone number — our system cannot call you back without your number in the appropriate field.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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