Tell your Senator to #RejectFear and stop the Secret Police Bill C-51

333,625 actions
goal: 434,000

Bill C-51, a bill so bad that the Globe and Mail warned it would create a “secret police” in Canada, has gone to the Senate. 1

Now the Senate has an opportunity to show the people of Canada that they can fulfill their responsibility to provide “sober second thought” when a government tries to pass a reckless bill with long-reaching consequences for our rights and freedoms.

Few issues have captured the attention and opposition of Canadians like bill C-51, and the bill has been broadly condemned by a wide range of experts and community leaders, including four former Prime Ministers, 60 business leaders, and the Canadian Bar Association. 2 3 4 5

The Canadian Bar Association stated that C-51 brings “the entire Charter [of Rights and Freedoms] into jeopardy, undermines the rule of law, and goes against the fundamental role of judges as the protectors of Canada’s constitutional rights.”

The Senate has the power to defend our freedoms by stopping the bill until it’s been fundamentally reworked. But they need to hear from you now – please join us and send an urgent message to the Senate calling on them to reject fear, consider the evidence,  and stop C-51.


  1. Parliament must reject Harper’s secret policemen bill  
  2. Bill C-51 is more unpopular than ever 
  3. A close eye on security makes Canadians safer  
  4. How C-51 will undermine Canada’s business climate: An open letter from 60 Canadian business leaders  
  5. Canadian Bar Association denounces government’s anti-terror bill  
Sorry this campaign has ended

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