Demand Clean Electricity Regulations that provide the future we need!

3,875 actions
goal: 6,000
It's a rare opportunity – an ambitious piece of climate policy is within reach, but only if we can neutralize Big Oil's lobbyists. We are close to securing Clean Electricity Regulations that will cut Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, create thousands of good jobs, and make energy more affordable for households across Canada.

As it stands, the draft regulations are a good start. But there are still loopholes and extensions for the fossil fuel industry, letting Big Oil dodge accountability. And we know that the plan to get us to a clean electricity grid is under attack by fossil fuel interests who are trying to weaken, delay or kill the regulations they have already watered down.

Federal climate policy should serve the people, not the interests of Big Oil. We need the loopholes in these regulations to be removed to create the clean electricity grid that we need for a healthier, cleaner and more affordable future.

We have a chance to show the government that we demand an ambitious plan to reach net-zero emissions from our electricity grid by 2035. Together, we can counteract intense lobbying from the fossil fuel industry to water down these regulations into hollow words on paper. Will you send a message to the Federal government to strengthen our Clean Energy Regulations?

We are disappointed that the government chose to use a cumbersome portal for this public consultation, amounting to a high barrier to participation. This submission will be emailed directly to the official ECCC consultation address: [email protected]. In order to ensure that each submission is accepted, we have included all their terms and conditions, which makes this email look very long. You can see the substantive submission above the line in the email to the right. Should you wish, you can instead use the Online Consultation Portal.


Make your submission

Send to
Environment and Climate Change Canada Consultation
Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Your MP
your local representative

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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