Pierre Poilievre: no room for hate in Canada

10,681 actions
goal: 14,000
This past weekend, the Conservative party passed two motions at their convention attacking the rights of the queer and trans community.1

The first motion would prevent trans youth from accessing gender-affirming care — and the second would prevent trans women from accessing key public services.2 Both are straight out of the Trumpian playbook — and, if championed by the Conservative party, would threaten the basic rights and safety of queer and trans people.

Party leaders don’t have any obligation to implement policies passed by members at convention — so if we can show Poilievre that the Conservatives will pay a political price for attacking the basic rights and dignity of queer and trans people, it could give him the courage he needs to stand up to this hateful faction of his base.

Will you sign the petition now calling on Pierre Poilievre to reject his party’s anti-trans policies and leave hate out of the Conservative party’s platform?

Pierre Poilievre: no room for hate in Canada

Leave anti-trans policies out of the Conservative party’s platform

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