Tell Premier Ford and Cabinet Ministers: We need an adequate paid sick leave program to save lives

10,019 actions
goal: 14,000
After a year of pressure from public health experts, workers, and everyday Ontarians, the Ford government finally announced a paid sick days program yesterday.1

But there’s a huge, gaping hole in their plan. It’s a complicated, temporary program that only provides 3 paid sick days for a virus that requires 10 days of isolation. Even worse, Ford’s program means low-wage workers will be worse off than they were before.2

Ford’s plan hasn’t passed through the legislature yet — and after plummeting in the polls recently, you can bet he’s waiting to see how it lands with the public.3 A massive public outcry could force Ford back to the drawing board for a paid sick days program that is universal, fully paid, adequate, permanent, and accessible.

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Premier Ford
Minister of Finance, Peter Bethlenfalvy
Minister of Labour, Monte McNaughton

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