We have learned that Ontario ministers will be meeting on Wednesday to make a final decision on Bill 148, legislation which could dramatically improve conditions for thousands of workers across Ontario. Big business is lobbying hard to water down the legislation, including the sections that are supposed to ensure equal pay for equal work. hTis will especially hurt women, workers of color and immigrants.
We have less than 36 hours to win the best possible labour law reform. If hundreds of voters flood the voicemails of key cabinet decision-makers, the Liberals will have to think twice about watering down the bill.
Can you call one of the Ontario cabinet ministers and ask them to strengthen Bill 148 by strengthening the equal pay for equal work language? We have software that will transfer you to their office to leave a message on their voicemail or with staff. Just enter your information to the right and it will connect you to one of twelve key cabinet ministers.
Your message can be very simple. You can say something like:
I live in X riding. I am calling because I know that the Ontario cabinet will discuss Bill 148 this week. I wanted to ask Minister __________ to strengthen the Bill by advocating for equal pay for equal work. $15 minimum wage is urgently needed, but it won’t help much if people can only find part-time jobs with few hours.