A lifesaving benefit for Canadians!

12,745 actions
goal: 17,000
With the rising costs of living across the country, it’s becoming harder for many of us to put food on the table. And more than ever, people with disabilities are falling through the cracks.

But, the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) could help stop that. Just this week Bill C-22 — the act to reduce poverty and support the financial security of persons with disabilities with the CDB — passed its third reading with a unanimous vote from all parties. 1,2 The fight is not over: the bill must get through the Senate so it can become law. And critically, the Liberals must provide funding for it.

MP Mike Morrice — along with disability advocates across the country — is calling for funding to be designated in the 2023 budget. With multi-partisan support, and over 89% of Canadians supporting the CDB, this should be a no-brainer for the Liberal government. 3

A groundswell of public support could send a loud and clear message: people with disabilities will not get left behind and the government must put its money where its mouth is.

Add your name and call for Finance Minister Freeland to fund the Canadian Disability Benefit in the 2023 Budget?


Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland:

To Minister Chrystia Freeland,
Cc: Prime Minister Trudeau

Canadians are calling on you to fund the Canadian Disability Benefit in the 2023 Budget and end disability poverty.

Right now, too many people with disabilities are forced to live without support, struggling to survive, and living far below the poverty line. Bill C-22 is a life-saving bill to give people with disabilities a chance to live a life with dignity, financial security and independence. You must designate funding now, people with disabilities can’t wait.

Fund the Canadian Disability Benefit in the 2023 Budget.

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