Tell the BC NDP: No Handouts To LNG!

2,957 actions
goal: 4,000
Any day now, the BC government could force a final vote on a massive handout to big oil. [1]

The Horgan government is working in lock-step with the BC Liberals to ram through massive tax breaks to bribe more dirty LNG projects to set up shop in BC -- which would mean more fracking, more poisoned water, and more global warming pollution.

We can’t let them go through with this. A massive backlash now, before the bill is finalized, could be enough to force John Horgan to reconsider this disastrous plan -- but it needs to be huge. 

If we flood every single BC MLA with messages calling on them to speak out against these LNG handouts, they’ll start raising concerns with Premier John Horgan. If we cause a big enough splash, it could be enough to force him to reconsider.

But the bill could go for a final vote any day now, so we need to act quickly. Will you send a message to your MLA now, calling on them to stop the the LNG handouts? 

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