Tell Ford: Create a better and safer back to school plan

154 actions
goal: 250
Ontario kids could be back in their classrooms in less than two weeks — but Premier Ford's haphazard back to school plan is putting students, teachers and communities at risk of COVID-19 outbreaks.[1]

Teachers are calling it a “disaster”: inadequate funding for a safe reopening, patchwork safety requirements and overcrowded classrooms with no room for physical distancing.[2][3]

The Premier needs to hear from people across the province calling on him to keep his promise. If thousands of us call — he’ll know that everyone is watching how he handles our school reopening. But with schools set to reopen in two weeks we don't have much time. Will you take a minute to call Premier Ford now and urge him to go back to the drawing board to come up with a better plan that prioritizes the health and safety of students and staff?
  • Enter your information in the right hand box, including your phone number.
  • Click the “Call Now” button.
  • We will call you back and connect you to Ford's phone lines. You will likely get a staff member or a voicemail. You can say you have a message for him and to please pass it on.

Talking points:
  • Ford’s plan puts 1.6 million students and staff in an unsafe situation — at serious risk for COVID-19 outbreaks.
  • Classes will be incredibly overcrowded with no room for physical distancing. 
  • Ford’s plan ignores critical recommendations from Sick Kids.
  • Ford can and must create a better back to school plan that prioritizes the health and safety of kids and school staff. He has the power.

Call Ford Now

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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