Tell Ford and Lecce: I Stand with Striking Teachers
17,138 actions
goal: 23,000
Ontario's teachers are standing up to Ford’s attacks on public education with rotating strikes across the province.1
Ford’s cuts have meant thousands of job losses, dwindling support for students, and a deteriorating public education system.2
But Ford and Minister of Education Stephen Lecce are playing dirty. They announced a reversal on their e-learning policy but didn't reveal the complicated opt-out process.
We have to show them that their dirty tricks and lies won't work. If enough of us send a message to the Ford government, we can show them that everyday people stand with teachers -- and against their reckless cuts to education.
Will you send a message to Ford and the Minister of Education Lecce in solidarity with teachers and their demands to protect public education in Ontario?
Send a Message Now!
You can use the one below, or customize it for added impact. If you’re a parent, make sure to mention this.
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