RBC - Stop funding climate destruction and the violation of Indigenous rights

21,974 actions
goal: 29,000
Out of all the banks, RBC is Canada’s biggest funder of fossil fuels. In just five years, they financed $183 billion in climate-killing fossil fuel projects.1

That’s not all. Even though they promised their oil and gas clients have “policies and processes consistent with the standard of free prior and informed consent” with First Nations, RBC also funds the Coastal Gaslink and Line 3 pipelines —both of which violate Indigenous rights and do not have free, prior and informed consent to proceed.2,3,4

In line with the Paris Agreement and what experts around the world are demanding, we need RBC to:
  • Immediately withdraw financing for all projects that do not have Free, Prior and Informed Consent in line with the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • Immediately stop financing coal and any new fossil fuel expansion.
  • Reduce financed emissions by 75% by 2030 and hit zero by 2040. 
We're working with allies at SumOfUs, Greenpeace, North99 and Stand.earth on this campaign calling on RBC to stop funding climate destruction. Together, our petitions have more than 70,000 signatures. 

Dear RBC

Stop funding climate destruction and the trampling of Indigenous rights now.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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We're launching an all-out campaign demanding RBC to stop funding climate destruction and the violation of Indigenous rights. Will you chip in to supercharge our campaign?