Conservative Party: cut ties with White Supremacists

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Last night, Leadnow campaigner Logan McIntosh cornered Mr. Scheer at a barbecue in Langley, BC, and asked him to denounce Rebel Media. She caught him on tape calling Rebel Media "worth condemnation"!

Today, CBC is reporting that Scheer has promised not to do any more interviews with Rebel Media unless they overhaul their racist tone. Let's keep growing this petition until every Conservative MP in the country cuts ties with Rebel Media


The world is in shock after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville turned violent, ending with a terrorist attack that killed one anti-racist protester, and injured almost 20 others. [1]

In the United States, far-right websites like Breitbart have helped to fan the flames of white supremacy and far-right extremism. 

But here in Canada, we have our own version of Breitbart. It’s called Rebel Media, and they are bringing the same ugly ideas home to Canada. They’ve published tirades against Jews, organized anti-Islam rallies, and warned of “white genocide” in Canada. [2-3] And on the day of the attack in Charlottesville, one of their own contributors was on the ground, livestreaming her rationalizations for the actions of the white supremacists. [4] 

And what’s even more disturbing is that Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has close ties to this far-right website. He hired a Rebel Media Director, Hamish Marshall, to manage his campaign for party leader. And after Scheer won the leadership, he gave the white supremacist website a one-on-one interview. [5] 

The support of Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer could give Rebel Media political legitimacy to bring their dangerous ideas into the mainstream -- and regardless of our political ideology, we all have an obligation to challenge white supremacy whenever it rears its ugly head. 

We are calling on Scheer and others in the Conservative party to cut ties with Rebel Media. 

Already other conservatives have been speaking out against Rebel Media, including United Conservative Party leadership candidate Doug Schweitzer, MP Michael Chong, and even co-founder of Rebel Media Brian Lilley.[6-7] Now it’s time for Andrew Scheer to join them.

Will you sign the petition calling on Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer to denounce Rebel Media and immediately cut all ties with the hateful site?

Rebel Media is tapping into currents of white supremacy that permeate Canada’s history and institutions. From the early colonists who used smallpox blankets to kill thousands of Indigenous peoples, to the internment of Japanese-Canadians in world war two and a residential school system designed to destroy Indigenous culture, Canada’s history is riddled with racist policies. Racial profiling and ‘carding’ by police, and the ongoing water crisis on First Nations reserves are just two examples that show that the fight to eradicate white supremacy from Canada’s institutions is far from over.

Challenging Andrew Scheer’s connection to Rebel Media’s hateful website is a concrete action we can take today to confront white supremacy in Canada. Sign the petition now.


[1] One dead as car strikes crowds amid protests of white nationalist gathering in Charlottesville; two police die in helicopter crash (Washington Post).
[2] Rebel Media is defending contributor behind 'repulsive rant' that was praised by white supremacists (National Observer). 
[3] Far-right site The Rebel tries to distance itself from the alt right (Vice) 
[4] The Rebel Had An Awful Lot Of Sympathy For The White Supremacists In Charlottesville (Canadaland).
[5] New Tory leader Andrew Scheer campaign linked with controversial Rebel Media (Global News).
[6] Co-founder of The Rebel, Brian Lilley, leaves the conservative media website (Toronto Star) 
[7] A Growing List Of People Who Have Cut Ties With The Rebel (Canadaland): 


Sign the petition

To Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer and all Conservative MPs:

Immediately cut all ties to far-right website Rebel Media. Publicly denounce the website and pledge to never give them another interview. Their dangerous white supremacist views have no place in Canadian politics.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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