We’re visiting cabinet ministers and Liberal MPs all week (Feb 10-14 - when they are in their home ridings) across the country to let them know that there’s a strong opposition to the Teck Frontier mine in their riding and that we expect them to be accountable to us, their constituents, and to the future generations that are counting on us to get this right. Can you join us in Toronto for a group drop-in to Crystia Freeland and Bill Morneau's offices?
What: Group drop in to Minister Freeland and Morneau to Reject Teck
When: Thursday Feb 13th at 12pm at Chrystia Freeland's office, then 1:30pm at Bill Morneau's office
Where: Stop 1 Chrystia Freeland's office, 344 Bloor St West -- Stop 2 Bill Morneau's office, 430 Parliament St
We'll gather at 12pm at Minister Freeland's office, take a photo outside (there also might be media there), and then head inside to deliver our fact sheet and message directly to Chrystia Freeland. Then, we'll head (by transit) to Minister Bill Morneau's office, and do the same.
Having a few group drop ins in key Minister's ridings will be helpful for us to get good photo ops for media, to really amplify our pressure to MPs. So thanks for joining us!
RSVP so we can make sure we have enough people for this group drop in!