Send a message to stop old-growth logging

6,039 actions
goal: 8,000
Logging companies are cutting down the last of BC’s old growth trees at a rate of 500 soccer fields per day - with 34 soccer fields a day slashed just on Vancouver Island.1
These ancient forests are some of the last habitat for endangered species, including owls, hawks, and caribou. They’re excellent carbon sinks, and they help defend against wildfires. Chopping them down is unthinkable -- and heartbreaking.2
But right now we have an opportunity to put a stop to it: an independent panel convened to review how BC manages old growth is accepting comments from the public by January 31st.
A flood of messages from BC voters could push the panel to recommend protecting ancient forests from logging and force the government to put an end to old-growth logging.
But we don’t have much time. Will you send in your message now with our easy action tool? It only takes a minute.

Your message

Please take a moment to personalize the letter below, by adding why you support ending old-growth logging. The panel will give more weight to personalized messages.

Send to
BC Old Growth Review Panel
Premier Horgan
Forestry Minister Donaldson
Environment Minister Heyman

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Will you chip in a few dollars to get our easy messaging tool to thousands more British Columbians who will speak up in support of a ban on old growth clearcutting?