Our Premiers are about to sing a secretive and dangerous pipeline fast track deal
As fires rage across western Canada and our country reels on the edge of a recession caused by our government’s reckless over-commitment to boom-and-bust fossil fuel industries, a leaked document just revealed that our premiers are preparing to “sign an agreement to fast-track new oil sands pipelines while watering down commitments to fight climate change.” 1 2 3
This secretive pipeline deal would be a disaster for our economy, communities and climate – and we need to act fast because our premiers could sign it tomorrow at a conference in St. John’s.
The good news: we just need to convince one of our premiers to stop the deal, but we need to act now and speak out together with a big, strong voice.
We’ve seen the havoc fossil fuel disasters can create in places like Kalamazoo, Lac Megantic or the Gulf of Mexico.
We’ve seen the growing devastation caused by climate-change-fueled disasters that have hit communities across the country, and the world.
And, we’ve seen what it’s like to be caught in the boom-and-bust fossil fuel economy that has put our economy at the edge of a recession.
We’ve seen some real leadership from our provinces. So why would our premiers approve a flawed energy strategy designed by Allison Redford, a failed former Alberta premier, at a time when we so badly need climate and energy leadership in Canada? 4
We need your help to push back against powerful fossil fuel companies who want our premiers to sacrifice our best interests for their short-term profit.
We deserve strong leadership to make the transition to a clean energy economy that’s built to last. It won’t be easy, but we can do it if we work together across Canada – and do our part to ensure a safe climate for all generations.
- Premiers set to fast-track oil pipelines while cutting regulatory red tape http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pan-canada-energy-strategy-contains-little-action-on-climate-change/article25477300/
- Is this drought caused by climate change? http://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/07/13/news/drought-caused-climate-change
- Canada in recession, rate cut likely: TD]http://www.thestar.com/business/economy/2015/07/06/canada-in-recession-rate-cut-likely-td.html
- Premiers set to fast-track oil pipelines while cutting regulatory red tape http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pan-canada-energy-strategy-contains-little