Thursday, October 3, 2019
Toronto, ON — Today Leadnow announced plans to mobilize their supporters to help elect 8 candidates that have demonstrated a clear commitment to deliver bold climate action as part of an all-party caucus. The list includes independent, Jody Wilson-Raybould, and candidates running for the New Democratic Party, the Green Party and the Liberal Party.
“Politics as usual has so far failed us on climate. We are still in a broken electoral system that gives little incentive for parties to come together on issues, and we are running out of time,” said Co-Executive Director, Sonia Theroux. “Tackling the climate crisis demands that politicians rise above partisanship to focus on doing what is necessary to safeguard our future. Anything else fails in responding to the critical moment of history we find ourselves in.”
Supported by half a million members, Leadnow launched Cooperate for Climate in early September, a campaign aimed at compelling candidates to commit to working across party lines to reach legislated emissions targets in line with science.
Over 190 candidates across five parties have pledged to cooperate. Over 160 “climate champions” further agreed to bold actions in line with a Green New Deal for Canada, including protecting workers, respecting Indigenous rights and welcoming migrants displaced by climate change. Of these, Leadnow is supporting a handful of “battleground champions” with strong track records on climate and good chances of being elected.
“Thousands of Leadnow volunteers have been calling into battleground ridings for several weeks, identifying climate voters and making sure they have a plan to vote. We expect to make 300,000 calls in total between now and election day, and knock on thousands of doors in these ridings,” said Co-Executive Director, Logan McIntosh. “Our members support multiple parties but are united in wanting us to focus on climate in this election, and they’re excited to help send these champions to Ottawa.”
In 2015, Leadnow ran a campaign encouraging people to Vote Together to defeat the Harper government in order to win electoral reform.
After the failed promise of electoral reform and extensive consultation with Leadnow’s half a million members, the organization was given a clear mandate to make this election a turning point for climate action. This mirrors the massive support shown in last week’s climate strike and reflects polling that says most Canadians will be thinking about climate change when they head to the polls on October 21.
For interviews with Leadnow Co-Executive Directors or volunteers, contact:
Max Mosher, Leadnow Communications
Email: [email protected]
(Note: Logan McIntosh is in Toronto; Sonia Theroux is in Victoria)
Leadnow’s “battleground champions” from west to east are:
Jody Wilson-Raybould - Independent - Vancouver Granville, BC
Taylor Bachrach - NDP - Skeena Bulkley Valley, BC
Daniel Blaikie - NDP - Elmwood Transcona, MB
Matthew Green - NDP - Hamilton Centre, ON
Paul Taylor - NDP - Parkdale High Park, ON
Lenore Zann - Liberal Party - Cumberland Colchester, NS
Anna Keenan - Green Party - Malpeque, PEI
Darcie Lanthier - Green Party - Charlottetown, PEI
Candidate Quotes:
“One of the main reasons that I am running as an Independent is to be able to work across party lines and focus on the issues that matter most to the constituents of Vancouver Granville and to Canadians. The climate crisis is without a doubt the issue of our time and requires us all to 'colour outside of the party lines' in order to meet the IPCC targets and to do our duty by future generations.” - Jody Wilson-Raybould, Vancouver Granville
"The climate crisis is clearly the greatest challenge of our time. For the sake of our kid's generation, we need to come together as political leaders in our communities to find real solutions." - Taylor Bachrach, Skeena Bulkley Valley
“The need for climate action is urgent. We can transition to a low-carbon future while investing in workers and creating jobs, but we need the political will to see it through. If everyone who wants that future works together, I know we can get the job done.” - Daniel Blaikie, Elmwood Transcona
"Addressing catastrophic climate change is the greatest challenge of our lifetime and it demands a radical shift towards a more sustainable ecology and fair economy. In this election we must stand in solidarity with any and everyone willing to push for the type of systems changes required to head off climate change." - Matthew Green, Hamilton Centre
"We have a plan to bring a just transition that prioritizes those historically and currently excluded. A Green New Deal has the potential to be an antidote to the isolation, alienation and helplessness that our current system creates." - Paul Taylor, Parkdale High Park
“The climate crisis must be addressed now - our kids can't afford for us to wait. I have always worked across parties to get things done and as an MP I will work with everyone interested in serious climate action." - Lenore Zann, Cumberland Colchester
"Working together, we can make the benefits of the new energy economy accessible for all Canadians, including indigenous communities, transitioning oil workers, low-income folks and rural communities." - Anna Keenan, Malpeque