Take the pledge: Slow the spread of COVID-19

4,901 actions
goal: 7,000
The World Health Organization has declared COVID 19 a pandemic, schools have shut down, conferences cancelled, and travel advisories announced.1

While many of us will be fine if we get it, for people who are more vulnerable, like elderly people and those with disabilities or compromised immune systems, it can be deadly. And if the virus spreads quickly it could overload the health system, and force doctors to make impossible choices about who to save.2

And that’s why I'm asking for your help to slow down the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, because the slower it spreads, the more our hospitals can cope, and the more lives will be saved.3

Will you sign the pledge to help slow the virus down and share it with everyone you know? If we reach millions of people across Canada, we can help slow the spread and save lives.

I pledge to:

FLATTEN THE CURVE - wash my hands regularly, avoid unnecessary contact, stay home if I'm sick.

SHARE WISDOM - stay informed and share reliable resources.

SHOW CARE & COMPASSION - offer assistance to immunocompromised people and those with disabilities, call for policies that help people.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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